Advanced Leaspy UtilisationΒΆ

This is already the last practical session of the day ! Be carefull you only have an hour and a half.

Objectives :ΒΆ

  • Understand data format that is needed to use Leaspy,

  • Learn to use parameters

  • Explore models selection

The set-upΒΆ

As before, if you have followed the installation details carefully, you should

  • be running this notebook in the leaspy_tutorial virtual environment

  • having all the needed packages already installed

πŸ’¬ Question 1 πŸ’¬ Run the following command lines.

import os, sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import copy
from scipy import stats
%matplotlib inline

from leaspy import Leaspy, IndividualParameters, AlgorithmSettings, Data

Part I: The predictionΒΆ

One of the main issue of Parkinson disease specialized doctor is that they do not know how fast will the disease evolved and then are unable to set the right spacing between two visits wih their patients. In addition, they would like to give advises to their patients for them to anticipate administrative obligations by the time they are still able to do them. The most important score to monitore is MDS3_off_total, but it is always nice to have a some others.

Leaspy could be a great tool to help solving those issues. The following part contains the main structure to train and test a leaspy model.

I.1. Prepare your dataΒΆ

ℹ️ Information ℹ️ Two datasets, containing 200 patients, are available :

  • learn_leaspy2 : contains historic data of patients visits,

  • pred_leaspy2 : contains the next visit for each patient, that it would be nice to predict.

πŸ’¬ Question 2 πŸ’¬ Run the following command lines to load the data.

data_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'..','data/TP3_advanced_leaspy/')
df = pd.read_csv(data_path + "learn_leaspy2.csv")
df.set_index(['ID', 'TIME'], inplace=True)
MDS1_total MDS2_total MDS3_off_total SCOPA_total MOCA_total PUTAMEN_R PUTAMEN_L CAUDATE_R CAUDATE_L AGD_total
GS-001 62.289333 NaN 3.556297 -9.000000 0.000000 26.784926 0.168703 0.140237 0.069723 0.041532 0.078704
62.789333 4.644412 6.570468 15.658805 5.721043 25.303684 0.146405 0.172067 0.034234 0.089805 0.374873
63.289333 1.955755 2.621946 29.142870 0.000000 30.000000 0.163331 0.188258 0.069586 0.060110 0.194420
64.289330 NaN 0.000000 44.319816 44.560006 29.851244 0.185705 0.177019 0.053399 0.076220 0.237782
64.789330 4.169568 4.752366 29.652244 0.000000 28.533121 0.194951 0.171595 0.048021 0.083921 0.159916
df_vis = pd.read_csv(data_path + "pred_leaspy2.csv")
df_vis.set_index(['ID'], inplace=True)
TIME MDS1_total MDS2_total MDS3_off_total SCOPA_total MOCA_total PUTAMEN_R PUTAMEN_L CAUDATE_R CAUDATE_L AGD_total
GS-001 69.089333 4.960370 5.635592 45.674665 13.727753 27.915718 0.209688 0.229443 0.105179 0.137542 0.319582
GS-002 73.647736 14.674264 9.983259 48.461299 1.777607 19.778270 0.268539 0.211596 0.196772 0.193251 0.404642
GS-003 62.491299 NaN 9.429927 -9.000000 27.019072 24.602786 0.182493 0.151622 0.056601 0.096034 0.347589
GS-004 67.666000 7.170177 3.978171 7.608285 0.000000 27.879789 0.223414 0.185168 0.186051 0.182661 0.312880
GS-005 74.125290 NaN 3.628875 -9.000000 3.493040 28.498334 0.197911 0.189411 0.114025 0.122356 0.336951

ℹ️ Information ℹ️ You have the following informations about scores :

  • MDS1_total : increasing score from 0 to 52,

  • MDS2_total : increasing score from 0 to 52,

  • MDS3_off_total : increasing score from 0 to 132,

  • SCOPA_total : increasing score from 0 to 72,

  • MOCA_total : decreasing score from 30 to 0,

  • AGD_total : unknown positive score (will need to be explored),

  • Others : the rest are imaging increasing score and then have no border, except that they are suppose to be positive.

πŸ’¬ Question 3 πŸ’¬ Plot histogram to check that the data are as expected.

# To complete
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df.hist(figsize = (10,10))

πŸ’¬ Question 4 πŸ’¬ Check that the variables respect the constraints. How can you interpret those unexpected datas ?

Your answer: …

πŸ’¬ Question 5 πŸ’¬ Apply the right pre-processing to those unexpected data. Do not forget to apply it on ALL the data.

# To complete
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df = df.replace(-9,np.nan)
df_vis = df_vis.replace(-9,np.nan)

ℹ️ Information ℹ️ Leaspy model is able to handle NaN, but it is always important to quantify them.

πŸ’¬ Question 6 πŸ’¬ Return the number of NaN by feature.

# To complete
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MDS1_total        596
MDS2_total          0
MDS3_off_total    196
SCOPA_total         0
MOCA_total          0
PUTAMEN_R           0
PUTAMEN_L           0
CAUDATE_R           0
CAUDATE_L           0
AGD_total           0
dtype: int64

ℹ️ Information ℹ️ Leaspy model only takes normalised increasing with time data.

πŸ’¬ Question 7 πŸ’¬ Using the functions below, explore AGD_total to try to understand its progression and compare it to other features.

def plot_individuals(df, feature,  sublist=None):
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    if sublist is None:
        sublist = df.index.unique('ID')
    colors =  sns.color_palette(palette='icefire', n_colors=len(sublist), desat=None, as_cmap=False)
    for c, idx in zip(colors, sublist):
        indiv_df = df.loc[idx]
        ages = indiv_df.index.get_level_values(0)
        real_values = indiv_df[feature].values
        plt.plot(ages, real_values, c=c)
        plt.xlabel("Age in years")
        plt.title("Evolution for each patient of " + feature)
def individual_linear_regression_against_time(df, feature):
    # individual linear regressions on each feature, to study individual progression (with linear regression against age)
    lin_reg_on_frame_time_y = lambda t: pd.Series(dict(zip(['slope','intercept','correl_coef','pval','stderr','intercept_stderr'], 
    # select individuals with at least 3 visits
    s = df[feature].dropna()
    nb_visits_with_data = s.groupby('ID').size()
    s = s.loc[nb_visits_with_data[nb_visits_with_data >= 3].index]
    return s.reset_index('TIME').groupby('ID').apply(lin_reg_on_frame_time_y)
# To complete
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plot_individuals(df, "AGD_total", sublist = df.index.unique('ID')[:8])

for ft_name, s in df.items():
    ilr_ft = individual_linear_regression_against_time(df, ft_name)

    ax = ilr_ft[['slope','correl_coef', 'pval']].hist(figsize=(14,5), layout=(1,3))
    plt.gcf().suptitle(ft_name+'\n', fontweight='bold', fontsize=20)
    print(f"{ft_name}: linear correlation coefficient with time = "
          f"{ilr_ft['correl_coef'].mean():.2f} Β± {ilr_ft['correl_coef'].std():.2f}")
../../../_images/TP3_advanced_leaspy_17_0.png ../../../_images/TP3_advanced_leaspy_17_1.png
MDS1_total: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.36 Β± 0.45
MDS2_total: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.37 Β± 0.42
MDS3_off_total: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.35 Β± 0.37
SCOPA_total: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.08 Β± 0.40
MOCA_total: linear correlation coefficient with time = -0.20 Β± 0.39
PUTAMEN_R: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.44 Β± 0.37
PUTAMEN_L: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.48 Β± 0.35
CAUDATE_R: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.53 Β± 0.35
CAUDATE_L: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.54 Β± 0.36
AGD_total: linear correlation coefficient with time = 0.09 Β± 0.44

πŸ’¬ Question 8 πŸ’¬ What do you conclude about AGD_total progression? Should we consider it for longitudinal modeling?

Your answer: …

πŸ’¬ Question 9 πŸ’¬ Now that you know the progression of all the features, can you normalize them all now? If not what is the issue and which features are concerned?

Your answer: …

πŸ’¬ Question 10 πŸ’¬ Run the code below to split the data into a training and testing set.

patient_stop = 'GS-100'
patient_start = 'GS-101'

df_train = df.loc[:patient_stop].copy()
df_test = df.loc[patient_start:].copy()
df_to_pred = df_vis.loc[patient_start:].copy()

πŸ’¬ Question 11 πŸ’¬ Normalize the data using the function below and making sure that you have increasing data at the end.

def normalize(df, feat, max_, min_, increase = True ):
    df_study = df[feat].copy()
    df_study = (df_study - min_) / (max_ - min_)
    if not increase :
        df_study = 1 - df_study
    return df_study
# To complete
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# bounded scores
scores = {
    "MDS1_total": (52, 0, True), # max, min, increase?
    "MDS2_total": (52, 0, True),
    "MDS3_off_total": (132, 0, True),
    "SCOPA_total": (72, 0, True),
    "MOCA_total": (30, 0, False),
    #"AGD_total": #No need we will not use it...

for score_name, normalize_args in scores.items():
    df_train.loc[:, score_name] = normalize(df_train, score_name, *normalize_args )
    df_test.loc[:, score_name] = normalize(df_test, score_name, *normalize_args )
    df_to_pred.loc[:, score_name] = normalize(df_to_pred, score_name, *normalize_args )

# imagery (all features are increasing)
for var_name in ['PUTAMEN_R', 'PUTAMEN_L', 'CAUDATE_R', 'CAUDATE_L']:
    df_test.loc[:, var_name] = normalize(df_test, var_name, df_train[var_name].max(), 
                                         df_train[var_name].min(), increase = True )

I.2. Train your modelΒΆ

ℹ️ Information ℹ️ Be carefull you have only an hour and half and running a leaspy model on ten features can take a lot of time… We advise you to start by univariate model …

πŸ’¬ Question 12 πŸ’¬ Complete the code below to select the columns you want to use to train your leaspy model.

# To complete

col = #####################################

data_train = Data.from_dataframe(df_train[col]) 
data_test = Data.from_dataframe(df_test[col])
df_to_pred = df_to_pred
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
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col = ["MDS3_off_total", "MDS2_total"]

data_train = Data.from_dataframe(df_train[col]) 
data_test = Data.from_dataframe(df_test[col])
df_to_pred = df_to_pred

πŸ’¬ Question 13 πŸ’¬ Complete the code below to set the parameters you want for your model.

# To complete

leaspy_model = ###############
nb_source = ###############
algo_settings = #################

    console_print_periodicity=None,  # If = N, it display logs in the console/terminal every N iterations
    overwrite_logs_folder=True       # Default behaviour raise an error if the folder already exists.

leaspy = Leaspy(leaspy_model)
leaspy.model.load_hyperparameters({'source_dimension': nb_source}), algorithm_settings=algo_settings)
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
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leaspy_model = "logistic" #'univariate'
nb_source = 1
algo_settings = AlgorithmSettings('mcmc_saem', 
                                  n_iter=3000,           # n_iter defines the number of iterations
                                  progress_bar=True)     # To display a nice progression bar during calibration

    console_print_periodicity=None,  # If = N, it display logs in the console/terminal every N iterations
    overwrite_logs_folder=True       # Default behaviour raise an error if the folder already exists.

leaspy = Leaspy(leaspy_model)
leaspy.model.load_hyperparameters({'source_dimension': nb_source}), algorithm_settings=algo_settings)

#leaspy = Leaspy.load('./outputs/model_parameters.json')
...overwrite logs folder...
|##################################################|   3000/3000 iterations
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the calibration is:

Calibration took: 2min 48s

πŸ’¬ Question 14 πŸ’¬ Evaluate that your model learned well and then save it.

# To complete
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# Check the logs, the noise std, coherence of model parameters, ...'./outputs/model_parameters.json', indent=2)


from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame('./logs/plots/convergence_1.pdf', width=990, height=670)
{'g': tensor([0.9264, 1.3880]), 'v0': tensor([-4.4238, -4.1641]), 'betas': tensor([[-0.0449]]), 'tau_mean': tensor(71.3112), 'tau_std': tensor(10.0713), 'xi_mean': tensor(0.), 'xi_std': tensor(0.6131), 'sources_mean': tensor(0.), 'sources_std': tensor(1.), 'noise_std': tensor(0.0582)}

I.3. Test your modelΒΆ

πŸ’¬ Question 15 πŸ’¬ Complete the code below to make the predictions.

# To complete

settings_personalization = #################

ip = #################
reconstruction = #################
d2 = {k: v[0] for k, v in reconstruction.items()}
df_pred = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d2, orient='index', columns = [s+"_model1" for s in col])
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
# –––––––––––––––– #

settings_personalization = AlgorithmSettings('scipy_minimize', progress_bar=True, use_jacobian=True)

ip = leaspy.personalize(data_test, settings_personalization)
reconstruction = leaspy.estimate(dict(zip(df_to_pred.index,df_to_pred['TIME'])), ip)
d2 = {k: v[0] for k, v in reconstruction.items()}
df_pred = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d2, orient='index', columns = [s+"_model1" for s in col])
|##################################################|   100/100 subjects
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the personalization is:

Personalization scipy_minimize took: 2s

πŸ’¬ Question 16 πŸ’¬ Display results of your prediction against real values and the mean absolute error.

# To complete
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
# –––––––––––––––– #

for s in col :
    print("Mean absolute error "+s+" : " + str(np.abs(df_to_pred[s]-df_pred[s+'_model1']).mean()))
    plt.scatter(df_to_pred[s], df_pred[s+'_model1'])
    plt.xlabel("Real value")
    plt.ylabel("Predicted value")
Mean absolute error MDS3_off_total : 0.059690863332327676
Mean absolute error MDS2_total : 0.05356992930173874

ℹ️ Information ℹ️ Note that an average good error is about 5% of absolute error for MDS3_off_total.

Part II: The cofactor evaluationΒΆ

Besides prediction, the individual parameters are interesting in the sense that they provide meaningful and interesting insights about the disease progression. For that reasons, these individual parameters can be correlated to other cofactors. Let’s consider that you have a covariate Cofactor 1 that encodes a genetic status: 1 if a specific mutation is present, 0 otherwise. Now, let’s see if this mutation has an effect on the disease progression.

πŸ’¬ Question 17 πŸ’¬ Complete the code below to see the repartition of carriers and non carriers.

# To complete
import seaborn as sns

# β€”β€” Convert individual parameters to dataframe
df_ip = ###############

# β€”β€” Join the cofactors to individual parameters
cofactor = pd.read_csv(data_path + "cof_leaspy2.csv", index_col=['ID'])
df_ip = df_ip.join(cofactor.replace({'MUTATION':{0: 'Non-carrier', 1: 'Carrier'}}))

_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 6))

# β€”β€” Plot the time shifts in carriers and non-carriers
ax[0].set_title('Time shift histogram')
sns.histplot(data=df_ip, x=..., hue=..., bins=15, ax=ax[0], stat='count', common_norm=False, kde=True)

# β€”β€” Plot the acceleration factor in carriers and non-carriers
ax[1].set_title('Log-Acceleration factor histogram')
sns.histplot(data=df_ip, x=..., hue=..., bins=15, ax=ax[0], stat='count', common_norm=False, kde=True)

# __ Joint density (tau, xi) __
g = sns.jointplot(data=..., x=..., y=..., hue=..., height=6)
g.plot_joint(sns.kdeplot, zorder=0, levels=8, bw_adjust=1.5)

# __ Nb of mutated patients ___
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
# –––––––––––––––– #

import seaborn as sns

# β€”β€” Convert individual parameters to dataframe
df_ip = ip.to_dataframe()

# β€”β€” Join the cofactors to individual parameters
cofactor = pd.read_csv(data_path + "cof_leaspy2.csv", index_col=['ID'])
df_ip = df_ip.join(cofactor.replace({'MUTATION':{0: 'Non-carrier', 1: 'Carrier'}}))

_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 6))

# β€”β€” Plot the time shifts in carriers and non-carriers
ax[0].set_title('Time shift histogram')
sns.histplot(data=df_ip, x='tau', hue='MUTATION', bins=15, ax=ax[0], stat='count', common_norm=False, kde=True)

# β€”β€” Plot the acceleration factor in carriers and non-carriers
ax[1].set_title('Log-Acceleration factor histogram')
sns.histplot(data=df_ip, x='xi', hue='MUTATION', bins=15, ax=ax[1], stat='count', common_norm=False, kde=True)

# __ Joint density (tau, xi) __
g = sns.jointplot(data=df_ip, x="tau", y="xi", hue="MUTATION", height=6)
g.plot_joint(sns.kdeplot, zorder=0, levels=8, bw_adjust=1.5)

# __ Nb of mutated patients ___
Non-carrier    71
Carrier        29
Name: MUTATION, dtype: int64

πŸ’¬ Question 18 πŸ’¬ Make a statistic tests using stats.ttest_ind and stats.mannwhitneyu.

# To complete
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
# –––––––––––––––– #

carriers = df_ip[df_ip['MUTATION'] == 'Carrier']
non_carriers = df_ip[df_ip['MUTATION'] == 'Non-carrier']

# β€”β€” Student t-test (under the asumption of a gaussian distribution only)
print(stats.ttest_ind(carriers['tau'], non_carriers['tau']))
print(stats.ttest_ind(carriers['xi'], non_carriers['xi']))

# β€”β€” Mann-withney t-test
print(stats.mannwhitneyu(carriers['tau'], non_carriers['tau']))
print(stats.mannwhitneyu(carriers['xi'], non_carriers['xi']))
Ttest_indResult(statistic=6.116870627752805, pvalue=1.958990326701787e-08)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=-2.9131535065482375, pvalue=0.004431884326689646)
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=301.0, pvalue=1.6002231482727975e-08)
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=662.0, pvalue=0.0026530380825654097)

Part III: Univariate vs MultivariateΒΆ

Now that you have a multivariate model that works, let’s compare the multivariate and univariate model. For that you will compare a multivariate model with MDS3 and MDS2 with two univariate model MDS2 and MDS3 separatly.

πŸ’¬ Question 19 πŸ’¬ Fit 3 models, one multivariate and two univariate with MDS2 and MDS3.

# To complete

leaspy_model_u = ###########################
leaspy_model = ###########################
algo_settings = ###########################

#With MDS2 and MDS3
data_train23 = ###########################
data_test23 = ###########################

leaspy23 = #########

#With MDS3
data_train3 = ##################
data_test3 = ##################

leaspy3 = ##################

#With MDS2

# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
# –––––––––––––––– #

leaspy_model_u = 'univariate_logistic'
leaspy_model = "logistic" #'univariate'
algo_settings = AlgorithmSettings('mcmc_saem', 
                                  n_iter=3000,           # n_iter defines the number of iterations
                                  progress_bar=True)     # To display a nice progression bar during calibration


#With MDS2 and MDS3
data_train23 = Data.from_dataframe(df_train[["MDS3_off_total", "MDS2_total"]]) 
data_test23 = Data.from_dataframe(df_test[["MDS3_off_total", "MDS2_total"]])

leaspy23 = Leaspy(leaspy_model), algorithm_settings=algo_settings)'./outputs/model_parameters_23.json', indent=2)

#With MDS3
data_train3 = Data.from_dataframe(df_train[["MDS3_off_total"]]) 
data_test3 = Data.from_dataframe(df_test[["MDS3_off_total"]])

leaspy3 = Leaspy(leaspy_model_u), algorithm_settings=algo_settings)'./outputs/model_parameters_3.json', indent=2)

#With MDS2
data_train2 = Data.from_dataframe(df_train[["MDS2_total"]]) 
data_test2 = Data.from_dataframe(df_test[["MDS2_total"]])

leaspy2 = Leaspy(leaspy_model_u), algorithm_settings=algo_settings)'./outputs/model_parameters_2.json', indent=2)
|##################################################|   3000/3000 iterations
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the calibration is:

Calibration took: 53s
|##################################################|   3000/3000 iterations
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the calibration is:

Calibration took: 12s
|##################################################|   3000/3000 iterations
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the calibration is:

Calibration took: 9s

πŸ’¬ Question 20 πŸ’¬ Make the predictions for each model.

# To complete

settings_personalization = #############################

ip23 = #############################
reconstruction23 = leaspy23.estimate(dict(zip(df_to_pred.index,df_to_pred['TIME'])), ip23)
d223 = {k: v[0] for k, v in reconstruction23.items()}
df_pred23 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d223, orient='index', columns = ["MDS3_off_total_model_m", "MDS2_total_model_m"])

ip3 = #############################
reconstruction3 = leaspy3.estimate(dict(zip(df_to_pred.index,df_to_pred['TIME'])), ip3)
d23 = {k: v[0] for k, v in reconstruction3.items()}
df_pred3 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d23, orient='index', columns = ["MDS3_off_total_model_u"])


df_pred_mu = pd.concat([df_pred23, df_pred3, df_pred2], axis = 1)
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
# –––––––––––––––– #

settings_personalization = AlgorithmSettings('scipy_minimize', progress_bar=True, use_jacobian=True)

ip23 = leaspy23.personalize(data_test23, settings_personalization)
reconstruction23 = leaspy23.estimate(dict(zip(df_to_pred.index,df_to_pred['TIME'])), ip23)
d223 = {k: v[0] for k, v in reconstruction23.items()}
df_pred23 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d223, orient='index', columns = ["MDS3_off_total_model_m", "MDS2_total_model_m"])

ip3 = leaspy3.personalize(data_test3, settings_personalization)
reconstruction3 = leaspy3.estimate(dict(zip(df_to_pred.index,df_to_pred['TIME'])), ip3)
d23 = {k: v[0] for k, v in reconstruction3.items()}
df_pred3 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d23, orient='index', columns = ["MDS3_off_total_model_u"])

ip2 = leaspy2.personalize(data_test2, settings_personalization)
reconstruction2 = leaspy2.estimate(dict(zip(df_to_pred.index,df_to_pred['TIME'])), ip2)
d22 = {k: v[0] for k, v in reconstruction2.items()}
df_pred2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d22, orient='index', columns = ["MDS2_total_model_u"])

df_pred_mu = pd.concat([df_pred23, df_pred3, df_pred2], axis = 1)
|##################################################|   100/100 subjects
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the personalization is:

Personalization scipy_minimize took: 3s
|##################################################|   100/100 subjects
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the personalization is:

Personalization scipy_minimize took: 1s
|##################################################|   100/100 subjects
The standard deviation of the noise at the end of the personalization is:

Personalization scipy_minimize took: 1s

πŸ’¬ Question 21 πŸ’¬ Display results of predictions against real values and the mean absolute error.

# To complete
# –––––––––––––––– #
# –––– Answer –––– #
# –––––––––––––––– #
col_plot = ['MDS3_off_total_model_m', 'MDS3_off_total_model_u', 'MDS2_total_model_m', 'MDS2_total_model_u']
col_real = ['MDS3_off_total', 'MDS3_off_total','MDS2_total', 'MDS2_total']
for i in range(len(col_plot)) :
    print("Mean absolute error "+col_plot[i]+" : " + str(np.abs(df_to_pred[col_real[i]]-df_pred_mu[col_plot[i]]).mean()))
    plt.scatter(df_to_pred[col_real[i]], df_pred_mu[col_plot[i]])
    plt.xlabel("Real value")
    plt.ylabel("Predicted value")
Mean absolute error MDS3_off_total_model_m : 0.05958525082644294
Mean absolute error MDS3_off_total_model_u : 0.06501929260352078
Mean absolute error MDS2_total_model_m : 0.05325222294777632
Mean absolute error MDS2_total_model_u : 0.0676489770412445

Part IV: Get the best model as you canΒΆ